Welcome to the Enter the Quiet retreat!
Give yourself the gift of five minutes to carefully read the information that follows. It will help you create a powerful, comfortable retreat for yourself.
Things to Consider Bringing
A small item, a symbol of you or your intention, for our communal altar
Your own personal art supplies (there are craft supplies available at Hope Springs for your use as well)
Books & other resources for yourself
Books & other resources for our shared materials table
Sturdy walking shoes or boots
Slippers for use indoors – HS has a “no shoes” policy except in Dining Room
Long pants, long sleeves, and hat for tick protection in warm weather
Comfortable, layered clothing
Anything you wish to offer to the fire – must be flammable
Bathing suit (rinsed to reduce laundry soap) for hot tub (although naked is fine too)
Preparing for your Retreat
> View the orientation video. You will receive a link to the video via email about a week before the retreat. The video will be available at Hope Springs as well. This helps us significantly reduce the time it takes to move into silence on Friday evening.
> Visit the Guest Orientation Guide to familiarize yourself with all Hope Springs has to offer. There are QR codes posted throughout Hope Springs to access this information as well.
> Form an intention for your retreat. Consider creating an affirmation or question as a “container” for your retreat experience. You will be invited to share your intention with the retreat group (if you wish) at our opening circle.
> Invite more silence into your life in the days leading to the retreat. Create pockets of quiet (without screens, sounds, interruptions, etc.) if this is not usually a part of your day-to-day experience. Begin your “winding down” process before you arrive for the retreat; this will give you full access to the benefits of the entire weekend of silence.
> Create a simple ritual - a conscious action - as you leave for the retreat to mark the beginning of your time apart. For example, turn off your cell phone and listen to calm, inspiring music on your drive to Hope Springs. Or ask your loved ones to offer you a wish or blessing before you leave. Or, simply stop and say clearly to yourself as you enter your car, “This is my time. My retreat begins now.”
General Information
> Plan to arrive Friday between 3pm - 4:45pm, to allow yourself time to settle in. The Studio will be open after 3pm, to give folks who wish an opportunity to meet one another and decorate a candle holder for our altar.
> The retreat begins with our orientation circle at 5pm in the Studio.
> After 6pm supper, we gather for our Opening Circle, to share our retreat intentions and offer a ritual to begin our observation of silence.
> Our retreat concludes with lunch on Sunday at 1pm for those having a 2-night retreat, or Monday at 12 noon for those having a 3-night retreat.
> There are very few structured activities during the time of silence, and offered activities are completely optional. We are cutting down on our paper use by offering a link to the full retreat schedule a few days before you arrive. Feel free to print one for yourself - or let us know if you wish for us to provide you with a paper copy.
> There will be opportunities to offer any materials you wish into the fire. You are welcome to bring any items from home that you are ready to release, as long as they are relatively small and flammable.
> You are invited to bring books and other materials to share with your retreat companions. These can be a loan for the retreat, or a give-away for items you wish to pass to their next home! The table for these materials will be set up in the Studio.
> Please let us know ahead of time if you have any significant medical conditions, so that we can have a conversation about any needs you may have while you are at Hope Springs.
With gratitude to be with you on the journey into the Quiet …
Mary Manera
Retreat Facilitator
Bill Bulloch & Cynthia McCarthy
Retreat Co-facilitators